How can I find discounts on travel bookings with Expedia in Ireland?
Keep an eye on Expedia's website for special deals, promotions, and discount codes. Subscribing to their newsletter may also give you access to exclusive offers and early access to sales.
Does Expedia offer any loyalty programs or rewards for customers in Ireland?
Yes, Expedia operates the "Expedia Rewards" program where members earn points on bookings that can be redeemed for discounts and benefits. Sign up on their website to join.
Are there any specific times or seasons when Expedia typically offers the best deals in Ireland?
Look out for major sales events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and holiday sales for significant discounts on travel bookings with Expedia in Ireland. Additionally, booking well in advance or taking advantage of last-minute deals can offer savings.
Can I save money by booking a flight and hotel together through Expedia in Ireland?
Yes, Expedia offers package deals that include both flights and accommodations, which can sometimes result in savings compared to booking each separately. Look for the "Flight + Hotel" option when searching for travel options.
Can I use multiple discount codes or vouchers on a single booking with Expedia?
No, Expedia typically only allows the use of one discount code or voucher per booking. Choose the one that offers the most savings for your travel plans.
- Enjoy 20% Off Hotel Bookings at
- Hotel Bookings €59 or Less at
- 10% Off Hotel Bookings at
- Last Minute Hotel Bookings from €204 at
- Flight + Hotel Deals for €179 or Less at
- Hot Deals for 24 Hours at Expedia
If you’re starting to feel some itchy feet and fancy a little getaway, you can’t do better than Expedia. With an astonishing range of hotels, flights, car rentals and cruises on offer, everyone can find the perfect holiday for them when they shop with Expedia. You’re spoilt for choice when you shop with Expedia, as there’s a truly exceptional plethora of destinations to choose from, including Paris, Rome, New York, Berlin, Edinburgh, Bangkok, Sydney, Athens, Reykjavik, Auckland, Tokyo and many, many, many more.
What’s more, there’s also a really great range of locations available right here on the Emerald Isle, with hotels from Kilkenny to Cork and from Donegal to Dublin. There’s also sightseeing tours of Shannon, Galway and more, offering fun for all the family close to home. Browse a variety of the best hotels in Ireland and find the perfect fit for your price range. Ireland makes for a great break, just proving that a holiday doesn’t need to be as far-flung as Mumbai, Mexico City or Mogadishu - although Expedia can get you there, too.
- Pick a discount and copy the code if applicable
- Follow the link through to Expedia’s website
- Continue through to the booking page by entering each traveller's information
- When you reach the payment section, click on ‘Enter a voucher code’
- Paste your voucher code into the box and ‘Apply’
- If no code necessary, your price includes the final discount.

Join Expedia+ and access lots of members-only bonus offers and deals.
What’s Expedia’s Price Guarantee?
If you book your hotel on but later find a better price anywhere on the web Expedia will refund you the difference.
What payment methods do Expedia accept?
You can pay for your Expedia booking with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club International, CartaSi and Carte Bleue.
Where can I read Expedia’s full Terms of Use?
If you’re curious about the specifics of Expedia’s Terms of Use you can read them in full here.
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Your cancellation particulars will depend on which airline you booked with. If you booked a non-refundable flight, you should be reimbursed for any refundable taxes paid, but will lose the amount paid for the ticket. Some airlines also charge a cancellation fee.